


Suggestion for improvement

TheDirectorX opened this issue ยท 0 comments


[1] Spear of Subspace

  • The activation sound of Spear of Subspace is fairly quiet compared to other sounds.
  • The spear hitbox does not match the spear itself.
    2019-08-04_16 04 37_2
  • Holding a spear in hand, it is activated on everything that can be pressed, whether it is a button, lever, etc.
    2019-08-04_17 51 46
  • Balanced: You can quickly spam with a spear, if you quickly press the left mouse button. So you can kill the Wither in 10 seconds.
    2019-08-01_22 53 23
    Possible solutions: Add a delay or reduce damage.

[2] Pages in the Lexicon

  • Link to a page in the Lexicon when you press CTRL for:
  • Spirit Fuel
  • Core of God with Wings: Flandre
  • Origin Creation - Omniscience
  • Mana Cocktail
  • For shields of different ingots, add them to the pages of Botania:
  • Manasteel Shield > "Manasteel Equipment"
  • Elementium Shield > "Elementium Equipment"
  • Terrasteel Shield > Probably on the "Terrasteel Armor" page or create a separate page.
    How it is made in mod AIOT Botania.
    2019-08-04_17 35 19
    It is only important to remember that other mods can also use these pages in Botania. They should not conflict.

[3] Gaia Guardian III and Herrscher of the Void

  • If you are in flight when the boss uses a Divine Judge, you are attracted to the center and top of the arena, and the battle ends. Provided that you fly a little higher than the Divine Judge.
    2019-08-04_16 36 00

[4] Judah Oath

  • Judah Oath is equipped for a long time, but this effect does not give anything. May add a delay before applying Judah Oath (until fully equipped).
    2019-08-04_16 37 38

[5] Livingrock Barrel

  • The liquid in the barrel disappears when you re-enter the world.
    2019-08-04_17 44 31
  • Add a recess so that the player can climb into barrel. Like a cauldron. If possible, make the fluids inside the barrel have the same physics. Lava will set fire, Liquid Death from Thaumcraft will do damage etc.
    2019-08-04_16 42 50

[6] Nature Orb

  • Balanced: Make cost 250,000 Natural Breath, to cause Gaia Guardian III. And so it turns out exactly half of Nature Orb, for two uses when full.
  • Add an explanation in the Lexicon for the Rank II Ritual multi-block structure. At first, it was not immediately clear to me that I needed to use Shimmerrock for structure.
    2019-08-04_16 33 35
  • Add support for The One Probe, Waila etc. to show how much Natural Breath accumulated directly from the pedestal.
    2019-08-04_18 10 50
  • Rank II Ritual: Add accelerate accumulation of Natural Breath by using mana in Mana Pool.
    2019-08-04_18 08 21

[Question] Why do I need a Nature Orb to challenge Gaia III if there is a Challenge Ticket. Maybe you wanted to add this for Gaia IV?