Eyes in the Darkness

Eyes in the Darkness


Crashing my game

vicitafirea opened this issue ยท 5 comments


This mod crashes the game sometimes when I try to load a world, sometimes when I try to save and quit to the game menu.

Crash report: https://hastebin.com/adopicecek.rb


Hm.... that's annoying. I'll fix asap.


Hey - sorry about that. Didn't realize that could happen in my port. I saw that the EntitySpawnPlacementRegistry registry field is private. There's three ways that I can think of to fix this, one by registering the spawn placement only once in a Forge lifecycle event, even if the config is set to no natural spawning. The other way is by using reflection/access transformer to check if it was registered already. The last way I am not sure if it was intended, but the entity still seems to spawn if you don't register a spawn placement at all (in my testing). Either way, if you are busy, I can help if you want.


Don't worry it's fixed locally already. I just want to finish a new feature I had half-done.


v0.2 should fix the issue. It also comes with a new feature that can be turned off if needed. :P


Thanks for the fix :) I guess I'll close this