Fabric API

Fabric API


Console Output Not Human Readable

jessiewestlake opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I have a server running on AWS Linux. Everything works fine, but when issuing commands through the console or through RCON, it almost always comes back with a pointer to some message, but not an actual message. Running most of the same commands in the chat window while logged on as a opped player, they return info fine.

Minecraft v1.13.1

Can't remember how to determine which fabric server version is installed, but it was the version current toward the end of 1.13.1.

[user@localhost]$ /weather clear

[user@localhost]$ /help enchant
/enchant <targets> <enchantment> [<level>]

[user@localhost]$ /banlist

[user@localhost]$ /list

In the chat window in-game:

There are 1 of a max of 20 players online: R3alTim3

We will probably need the version you are running in this case. Fabric loader should print that out at the beginning of the server start process.


Closing due to lack of feedback. If this is still an issue please open a new issue.