Fabric API

Fabric API


Updating MC versinos with fabric mods that use structures can cause errors

cpm9 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


The Repurposed Structures mod author indicated that this might be something that could be patched in the Fabric API. When updating from 1.18.2 to 1.19 for example errors can occur. Apparently it is something to do with outdated structure processor lists and not being able to read chunk data. Apparently there is an odd workaround to do with a data pack but obviously this is not ideal.

The original issue on the Repurposed Structures issue tracker can be found here TelepathicGrunt/RepurposedStructures-Quilt#218


We really need a new module for all those fixes...

That said, there is no complete log file to diagnose the issue; crash report and (if possible) world save would be appreciated.


@apple502j Hi how would you like me to send the world save? It is just under 2GB. The errors can be duplicated by flying around the map with the world running on a fabric server with repurposed structures (mc1.19) as the world was created in mc1.18