Fabric API

Fabric API


mixin crash fabric-api-0.67.0+1.19.2

Abalieno opened this issue · 10 comments


0.66 api seems to be loading fine.

No idea what's causing this.



Please report to NBT Crafting for @Overwrite'ing a method that we inject into.

While you're correct that Nbt Crafting uses an @Overwrite where it's not necessary (anymore - it was for a long time because the target is an interface), I‌ just want to clarify that Nbt Crafting came first and Fabric API‌ just introduced that functionality yesterday.
So, I could say Fabric API‌ is @Injecting a method I was overwriting for multiple years without big issues.

I agree with your conclusion, I‌ just want to point out the tone again, which just emphasizes why I‌ originally dropped out of the Fabric API‌ community.

I'm gonna try to get this issue fixed as soon as possible.


There isnt a major rush, I released this version as a beta so issues like this have less of an impact. I will keep it in beta for a few more days.

I dont thinkthere was any intention of a negative tone, it can be read either way imo. Lets all be positive 👍


Hi, you are correct that your overwrite has existed for years without a problem. I don't think we can or should adapt for it, so I only shared the conclusion as I thought it would be the only information that would matter. Next time I'll include more context to avoid such misunderstandings.

Nonetheless, thanks for getting this resolved ASAP. 👍


I've published a fixed release (2.2.3) yesterday.

If you put that in your mods folder, you should hopefully be fine :)


For whoever might be checking this. It's not only spice of fabric.

New version of Create is out, I need to test if it's related to a recipe fix. But it now requires the new API and even removing spice of fabric from the folder still gives the same error. So I guess nbt crafting is embedded again somewhere else.

Curseforge says MI embeds it? It doesn't look so, maybe an old version. But there's nothing else on the dependency CS page...


Adding the mod fixed the other mods.
The one I was using beside Spice of Fabric, was Peculiar Pieces.
Tech gave a nice suggestion since dependencies show in log: "nbtcrafting 2.1.3+mc1.19 via peculiarpieces"

One more thing learned :)


Thank you for the quick fix ! :)


Please report to NBT Crafting for @Overwrite'ing a method that we inject into.


Well, any chance you know where the mod is? It's not on the list, so I guess it's bundled inside some other mod?

It seems already notified anyway: Siphalor/nbt-crafting#126

Maybe it's "spice of fabric"


Yeah it's spice of fabric. You can see nbtcrafting 2.2.0+mc1.19 via spiceoffabric in the modlist at the beginning.