Fabric API

Fabric API


Request: Expose block particles to FabricBakedModel

quat1024 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


FabricBakedModel defines a level-, pos-, and state-aware emitBlockQuads, and I am requesting that it also expose a level-, pos-, and state-aware version of BakedModel#getParticleIcon.

The use-case here is for "carpenter's blocks"-ish mods: it's very desirable to make the block's breaking, sprinting, and landing particles match the retextured model. It's typically not hard to implement this with a handful of mixins, but it'd be nice if this was part of FabricBakedModel, both to keep everything about the model in one place, and to potentially make it composable with other models w/ custom sprites (my simple mixins just end up calling the zero-arg vanilla getParticleIcon again). And, yknow, it'd be nice.

For comparison, Forge has an API like this on IForgeBakedModel. I think a simpler (level, pos, state) -> TextureAtlasSprite-shaped API would work fine too.


Something like this is planned in the mid term. Whether it will be in the model or somewhere else has not been decided yet.