Fabric API

Fabric API


nineBlockStorageRecipes doesn't save with mod id

supersimple33 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


If you call CustomModRecipeProvider.nineBlockStorageRecipes it will save the advancements it creates for recipe possession tracking with the wrong Mod id for the resource location ("minecraft:", instead of "custommod:"). While it is easy to work around this, it would be nice if fabric added functionality to allow the passing of a mod id to CustomModRecipeProvider.nineBlockStorageRecipes so that developers can each call the same function instead of having to reimplement a work around for each mod they work on. If this is something that may be added please let me know and I will draft a PR and if this is not wanted let me know and I will close this.


Duplicate of #2962. If you can provide a fix for that issue go ahead!