Unobvious recipe datagen logic (not an issue, more of a discussion)
maityyy opened this issue · 2 comments
I'm creating this issue primarily to share my fix and let you know that this is a known issue, but also to possibly make a change.
I'm using mojmap.
Vanilla, for creating advancements that unlock recipes, uses the namespace of the item rather than the recipe itself. You can see that in RecipeBuilder::save
This quite unobvious logic results in recipes for items not of this mod having no real working unlock advancements!
Should the FabricRecipeProvider
report this somewhere in the docs?
I previously used FabricRecipeProvider::getRecipeIdentifier
when exporting a recipe, but this is no longer possible in newer versions as recipes are now created outside of FabricRecipeProvider
(in RecipeGenerator
impl, or in an anonymous class).
Anyway, my simple fix:
public void buildRecipes() {
Item recipeResult = ...; // item not of this mod
.save(output, useModNamespace(recipeResult)) // RecipeBuilder::save
private ResourceKey<Recipe<?>> useModNamespace(Item item) {
return ResourceKey.create(Registries.RECIPE, ResourceLocation.fromNamespaceAndPath("modid", RecipeBuilder.getDefaultRecipeId(item).getPath()));
it still works as long as you design your provider in a given fashion:
public class RecipeProvider extends FabricRecipeProvider {
public RecipeProvider(FabricDataOutput output, CompletableFuture<RegistryWrapper.WrapperLookup> registriesFuture) {
super(output, registriesFuture);
protected RecipeGenerator getRecipeGenerator(RegistryWrapper.WrapperLookup wrapperLookup, RecipeExporter recipeExporter) {
return new RecipeGenerator(wrapperLookup, recipeExporter) {
public void generate() {
createShaped(RecipeCategory.MISC, Items.ACACIA_BOAT)
// .criterion("someothercrit",conditionsFromItem(Items.FLINT))
.offerTo(exporter, RegistryKey.of(RegistryKeys.RECIPE, getRecipeIdentifier(someId));
public String getName() {
return "";