fabric-api-0.14.0+build.317-1.15.jar seems to be crashing 1.15.2 for some players.
calloatti opened this issue ยท 7 comments
fabric-api-0.14.0+build.317-1.15.jar seems to be crashing 1.15.2 for some players.
reverting to fabric-api-0.13.1+build.316-1.15.jar seems to fix the problem.
Anyone having an issue With Fabric API 0.14.0 - Build 317 for 1.15 on Fabric Loader version 0.8.8 build 202 for 1.15.2 where opening the Controls menu causes a crash? I do not have this issue with API 0.4.32 build 292 for 1.15.
hi guys. when using fabric [1.15.2] Fabric API 0.14.0 build 317. On multiplayer it seems fine but in single player it crashes
hers my paste bin
just though id say
but when using [1.15.2] Fabric API 0.13.1 build 316
it seems to be fine???
I get the following error when trying to open ANY singleplayer world. https://pastebin.com/RnCYwrq5
Still crashing. Multiplayer works fine though either way https://pastebin.com/m4Zi0KTK
So problem with 2f23104 ?
Really the two crashes should be two seperate issues since they target different modules.
Do the lifecycle events ones (last two pastebins) work?