Fabric api 0.14.x breaks nether biome generation
NeusFear opened this issue ยท 11 comments
Current Issue
All nether biome mods that use fabric api lost their generation in 0.14.0 there are no errors produced, the only things wrong are that the biomes dont generate at all. Cinderscapes (https://github.com/TerraformersMC/Cinderscapes) has a /mapbiome command in addition to the findbiome command, and neither find the biomes, nor does flying around for a time.
Minecraft: 1.16.1
Fabric-API: 0.14.0+build.369-1.16 or greater
Fabric Loader: 0.8.8+build.202
Lol @SuperCoder7979 I have no idea why this occurs.
I may have an idea what happened. So haykam said on discord earlier that the debug chunk generator does not contain new modded blocks since it's list is generated in static init. Could this be one of those cases?
EDIT: If this is the case I'm going to just PR registry events so I don't have to worry about load order anymore. /s
well the problem is with biomes, not blocks. Unless you mean it could be a similar issue?
I also cleaned the mixin up to just:
@Redirect(method = "method_28467", at = @At(value = "INVOKE", target = "Lcom/google/common/collect/ImmutableList;stream()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;"))
private static Stream<Biome> injectBiomes(ImmutableList<Biome> biomes) {
return Stream.concat(biomes.stream(), InternalBiomeData.getNetherBiomes().stream());
Didnt seem to slove the issue as it achieves the same as before.
I can confim this with the api's test mod.
The API testmod is a very bad example, and that's entirely of my fault. The fabric-biome-api-v1-testmod:test_crimson_forest
biome has the same noises as minecraft:crimson_forest
and therefore cannot be generated at all. The minecraft:beach
biome has pretty bad noises so it's very very rare.
Also this does not affect my own mod (Mubble) and biomes spawn correctly, even with custom blocks and anything.
Well unless Minecraft changed their noise points to exactly ours then this wouldnt be an issue with cinderscapes biomes, because they do not share the same noise points. In addition we did test with the /mapbiome command in cinderscapes and it found nothing to map but vanilla biomes, so I dont think it's just a simple "change the noise points" fix.