Modular Loot Crates and Bundles

Modular Loot Crates and Bundles


[BUG] How to change loot-table

vekyys opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Hey, i dont know how to change the loot talbe, its a datapack or smthing? tysm


Depends what you want to do exactly.

  • For adding new loot tables you can use a default vanilla data pack
  • For making chests that generate in-world use different loot tables than the default check the wiki

In the subfolder example_datapacks you can also find a few examples how exactly configuration can look.


ohhh I SEE NOW, i use mcreator for create that datapack. I need to put the datapack in the world and works with the mod? Ty
An other thing, how i use the keys, and the loot respawns ? Im makin a custom server and i use the mod lootr but this one its better. And i want to make dungeons with loot without key, and chests in the city with keys. To add chests i use a comand from the mod lootr and your mod automaticly changes the chest to the mod chest. its ok but there is a especific command to put your chests? (sorry x my english)