Fabric Seasons

Fabric Seasons


Custom Crop Config get reset

MokkaCicc opened this issue · 5 comments


Each time I add a custom crop config, either with the GUI or the config file. It will be reset and erase.


That's a known issue with the config lib I'm using (AutoConfig). I already reported it to the dev but I don't know if it's fixed or not. Either way, I'll be replacing it soon™️. For now, you can modify this stuff directly in the file.


This is the format you're supposed to use, you can get the crop identifier by looking at an in-game crop with the F3 debug hud opened and checking for the block you're looking at. It also works for modded crops.




That's a known issue with the config lib I'm using (AutoConfig). I already reported it to the dev but I don't know if it's fixed or not. Either way, I'll be replacing it soontm. For now, you can modify this stuff directly in the file.

Can you please give a hint how? I just can't figure it out, something like an example config would be nice.


Unfortunately, the AutoConfig dev never fixed this bug so I just removed it. I'll be moving to a new system in the future but for now, the config screen is disabled.