Fabric Waystones

Fabric Waystones


[Feature Request] Pairable Waystones & Waystation sets

Guardian259 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


The ability to designate Waystones as either a dedicated pair, only accessible between each other, or as a set pair, only accessible by Waystones of the same set.

The use case I specifically see for this would be RP based, wherein players have designed intend fast travel locations, like ports or stations, with a matching port or station on the other end. In this way players could set up distinct and unique fast travel methods. Perhaps they have built a port with ships docked capable of going to different locations, with a matching ship on the other end, or an airship port with blimps, or elaborate player made rail stations.

I doubt the uses cases for are limited to what I can think up, as such an implementation opens up plenty of possibilities, either way it would be a welcome addition.


Upon Inspection my Issue may be similar to issue #38, however I'd still consider it an expansion to the ideas mention in #38