Fabric Waystones

Fabric Waystones


New waystone placed far away removed all entries from fw_waystones.dat

begriefed opened this issue · 13 comments



I traveled about 11k away as the bird flies to find a mushroom field biome (about 8200 ~ -8100 from my 0 ~ 0 spawn) and placed a new waystone. I tried to travel back to my home waystone but my list of 28 waystones was now empty except for the "mushroom island" that I had just created.

I manually traveled the 7k back to my nearest waystone. It had an Eye. It looked activated. When I right clicked on it, I freshly discovered the waystone and it still had the name that I had given it, before the great wipe out.

I restored (all but one newer one) from the fw_waystones.dat file from a fairly recent backup.

Is there any limit to how many waystones can be listed? Is there any limit to distance? I'm scratching my head as to the cause of this.


I spent 3 hours trying to replicate it with no success. Generated chunk path (teleporting instead of traveling), distance between waystones and number of waystones all don't seem to be the cause. Those were the only 3 real differences when the list disappeared.

Restarting the world and then the game did nothing because the wipe was the data actually missing from the fw_waystones.dat file.

I just loaded back in after replacing the missing data and I was still "discovering" the already created (and now missing) waystones, but this time the (learn everything scroll... forget the name... "infinite knowledge"?) was able to put them all back on my list. It wasn't previously able to.

Does the placed waystone block have data stored on itself as a tag? At all points in time, the waystones that I had already renamed kept their name, regardless if they were in my player data "discovered waystones" (weird list of numbers that emptied when my list disappeared) or if they were listed in the fw_waystones.dat.

Where was this name stored?

I will update here if I ever end up accidentally replicating the issue. (BTW, Thanks for one of my favorite mods!!!!)

Feel free to close as "can't replicate."


That sounds really weird. There shouldn't be a limit to quantity or distance.
Have you tried to replicate the issue since? If so, maybe try rejoining the world/server, since it might be a temporary "wipe"?


I will leave it open for the time being, if you find something, please inform me :)


Any info you can provide me?


ive just had this issue happen to me exactly the same all waypoints in the list
poof gone


I gave up on replicating.

I used Nature's Compass mod to find a mushroom biome in my new survival world. I had to travel about 11,000 blocks, again. I activated a new waystone at a mushroom village (probably from some mod, Oh, The Biome's You'll Go [BYG], MoStructures or Repurposed Structures) (maybe base game; been too long since i played vanilla). This was the same last action I did that caused the original bug, here. I used the mushroom village waystone to travel back to my spawn waystone and I noticed that my spawn waystone had duplicated in the list. Removing it with the x fixed the problem, though it had to be activated again. It retained its name. After a game restart, waystones are still duplicating as I visit them. This persists upon upgrading to 1.19 and using the (2.6? keep my waystones, not 3.0 version) newest version that doesn't remove all waystones.

This (traveling as I would in survival, far far far to a mushroom biome, placing or activating a waystone and using it to go home) has once again been the only way I've been able cause a bug.




1.19.2 confirmed. Twice in the last 3 days. Seems to only occur if I have over 10 waystones (The last one showed 11, IIRC) in the list and then go out a few thousand blocks and manually place one. For record, I placed the desert one in both cases, since they come as loot in All Of Fabric 6. The All Of Fabric Discord has bug reports on it as well.


I should add: In each case, I also set the waystone, and opened the menu to "discover" it, but had not traveled through the waystone before dying.


Still hapenning on 1.19.2 (3.0.7), the waystones simply dissapear from the fw_waystones.dat file for some reason. However the waystones stay in the world and their NBT Data still show valid data (althought they're missing from the file)

As a temporary workaround you could try making a backup file every time a entry change is made?


I can confirm this bug on 1.19.2. I tried to restore the waypoints by copying the fw_waystones.dat from a older save backup that still had all waypoints to the newer savegame directory. but that did not work.

however, if i now place a new waystone it is added to the .dat file to the old entries. but neither the old nor new ones do show up in the waystone travel menu. so guess there is something corrupted in the savegames itself as well.

I overlooked the idea of the Infinity Scroll. It indeed works with that. All the waystones are back.


@CrashTD glad you caught that infinity scroll comment. It makes fixing everything so much quicker. props to mod author for including it.

Update: been playing on 1.20 and 1.20.1 for long enough to say that I absolutely can't replicate there. I even remembered to worry about it early and tested extensively before trusting it on a new planned long play through. The bug exists only on versions before 1.20.1 updates.

I'm sad to come back and see that it wasn't a one off random bug that couldn't be replicated. I was really hoping I just had one corrupted world.

