Fabric Waystones

Fabric Waystones


Waystones getting mixed up with oneanother or resetting

Greg-J opened this issue ยท 6 comments


We have Waystones installed on a server and I have about a half dozen discovered. They are now all mixed up. None of the ones I named take me to the right place, one of them reverted back to its original name, and one of them I can't even get to now.


Still happens in the latest version


I don't understand how a bug like this exists...


Just from a brief look at the code, it appears the dat file (waystone database) is set to use the waystone name as it's id for waystones. This doesn't seem like a good idea since the name of the waystone can change. It would be better for the waystone to use the location of the waystone (x,y,z combined by hash?) so that it is unique and doesn't change over the lifetime of the waystone:

                String id;
                if (waystone != null) {
                    id = waystone.name;
                } else {
                    id = Utils.generateWaystoneName("");

Has anyone experienced the problem of mixed up waystones without changing the original name of any of the waystones?


Does anyone have a server or something I can test this on? I've tried multiple times but I haven't been able to recreate the bug.
My discord is DH#9367


Fixed ๐Ÿ‘


i have the same issue, mine is on a private server, where i do have access to the files....

my issue is mostly where one waystone location is still there and several of them just send me to a random other discovered waystone and now it affects others on the server too

one ultimate way to fix it is to remove a file in {yourworld}/data called waystones_waystones.dat

this will remove ALL waystone discoveries for everyone on the server

if you are on a public server i have yet to find a working fix, if on a private server where you do have access to the files then ya could at least ask ppl there if its ok to reset the waystone discoveries

single player should be the same location i mentioned