Fabric Waystones

Fabric Waystones


[Feature request]: Allow teleportation to cost hunger

James103 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Currently, there is no way to make Fabric Waystones waypoint teleportation cost hunger. I would like to suggest adding a configuration option to do exactly that.

When a teleport is attempted for a cost in food points,

  1. Due to the vanilla exhaustion cap of 40, if your hunger plus your saturation exceeds 10, teleportation always succeeds.
  2. Else, it checks to see if the following condition is satisfied: Food + Sat - Exh/4 >= Cost
    Where, Food is your hunger, Sat is your saturation rounded up, Exh is your exhaustion, Cost is the hunger cost.
  3. If teleportation succeeds, it runs player.getHungerManager().addExhaustion(4 * Cost) to deduct the food stats.

Possible use cases:

  • You want teleportation to cost something, but it can't be an item and you don't feel like taking away their health or hard-earned experience.
  • You want to make sure that players must be able to sprint in order to teleport. (Teleport cost: 7 food points)
