


[BUG] Minor compatibility issue with Universal Graves

luni3359 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


For skin fetching problems

  • I have tried generating skin manually on mineskin.org and it works there.


  • I'm not using TLauncher (it messes up the skins, also, piracy is not supported)

Describe the bug

While using Universal Graves, any existing or newly created graves render steve if the /skin clear command is run even if your account has a skin attached to it. The graves grab the correct skin after using /skin set player <playername> with your own name.
Universal Graves grabbing the wrong skin
Here I am using my skin standing next to my grave. Fabric Tailor cleared it back my character to myself but the grave shows steve. I suspect this has to do with the way the skin clearing process works.

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Die (using the Universal Graves mod)
  2. Visit your grave and notice that your skin is yourself
  3. Run /skin clear
  4. You are still yourself (using the skin of your account) but the grave will display steve's skin

Does UG fetch right skin without fabrictailor installed?


Does UG fetch right skin without fabrictailor installed?

Yes. I've done some more testing and it looks like graves get your player skin correctly after leaving and rejoining the server. I'm not sure if this is a Fabric Tailor problem anymore.