Fairy Lights

Fairy Lights


[BUG] Your Mod isnt working with EMI

SugarDaddii opened this issue ยท 5 comments


When i try to click on recipe they dont show in any way in EMI

Thank your for your Mod


Huge oof


Check if you have Fast Suite among your mods. It breaks recipes.


no i havent installed this mod.
on normal behavior this happens you see a recipe and a little +
in your recipes all color clumb together and i cant craft it
no + there


also the author of fastsuit is calling your recipes this : "Fairy Lights' recipe implementation is beyond the most haunted thing I have ever seen, there is pretty much no way to support this. "

so maybe you should fix it on your side


I think it's not possible, given the way Fairy Lights organizes crafting. The same recipe components have different results dependent on NBT of items, not just the items. You cannot distinguish and backtrack different crafting results to different sources and vice versa because of custom NBT data. And NBT simply cannot be accounted for in generic mods like FastSuit. FastUtil just sees many FairyLights recipes as a single one (the same components).