Falling Leaves (Fabric)

Falling Leaves (Fabric)


Terrestria Redwood Leaves are not registered as a LeavesBlock

Fourmisain opened this issue ยท 2 comments


terrestria:redwood_leaves are not registered as a LeavesBlock but as a TerrestriaOptiLeavesBlock, which extends from ExtendedLeavesBlock (from Terraform) which just extends from Block.

There's also a reference to it in resources/data/minecraft/tags/blocks/leaves.json, so I wonder if that's a vanilla minecraft thing and if we can add support for it.

Another way would of course open an issue with Terraform.


That was fast, so Terraform can't change it (without breaking other stuff), so we should really be using the leaves tag if we can.


Fixed with ce13332.

Leaf block detection now also uses the LEAVES block tag, but we still require LeavesBlock.randomDisplayTick() to be called, which at the very least is true for Terraform's ExtendedLeavesBlock.