Falling Leaves (Fabric)

Falling Leaves (Fabric)


Visual bug in the config

RaoulPurba opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I jokingly add minecraft:dirt in the Additional block states that drop leaves, and I saw that there are Dirt in the Additional leaf block settings. And then when I deleted minecraft:dirt from the entry, the setting is still there and it's annoying me that Dirt is beside all those leaves ๐Ÿ˜ญ

2024-04-05_07 19 15
2024-04-05_07 19 35

How to recreate:

  1. Open fallingleaves config
  2. Go to Experimental tab, and put any block in the Additional block states that drop leaves entry
  3. See that there is that block in Leaf Block Settings tab
  4. Delete the entry that you put your block in
  5. See that that block is still in your Leaf Block Settings tab

If there's any way to access the config so I can delete it myself please inform me. Thanks.


Oh right, that is a thing! ๐Ÿ˜„
I think the easiest fix is to open your Falling Leaves config file (found in the .minecraft profile folder under config/fallingleaves.json) and delete these lines:

    "minecraft:dirt": {
      "spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
      "isConiferBlock": false,
      "spawnBreakingLeaves": true

I'm not sure if there's a good general fix for this, since this behavior is sort of intentional.
The idea is to keep all settings around in case you uninstall and later reinstall a mod or enable dirt leaves at some point again.
It only shows up, since we can't be fully sure what is or isn't a leaf block in the main menu.

Maybe I can change it so it doesn't save stuff that uses default values at least? Need to see if that's possible.


Thank you!! Keep up the good work my man.


Released a new version which doesn't save default leaf settings.
Still requires a restart to get rid of the entry, but at least it's not permanent anymore.