1.21 Leaves not decaying when on grass block after removing the whole log.
makumaku1974 opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Describe the bug
This wasn't present previously on the older updates of 1.21. Some trees generate leaves on ground particularly spruce trees. By cutting the whole logs, the whole tree in question where the leaves are on the ground, it disables the decaying process.
After cutting, youd notice that the leaves would not decay when its on the ground.
Minecraft version
Fabric API version
Mod version
"trees": {
"allowedLogs": [],
"deniedLogs": [],
"allowedLeaves": [],
"allowedNonDecayLeaves": [],
"deniedLeaves": [],
"breakMode": "INSTANTANEOUS",
"detectionMode": "WHOLE_TREE",
"maxScanSize": 500,
"maxSize": 100,
"maxLeafDistanceFromLog": 15,
"maxSizeAction": "ABORT",
"breakOrder": "FURTHEST_FIRST",
"minimumLeavesAroundRequired": 1,
"includePersistentLeavesInRequiredCount": true,
"treeBreaking": true,
"leavesBreaking": true,
"leavesBreakingForceRadius": 0,
"allowMixedLogs": false,
"breakNetherTreeWarts": true,
"breakMangroveRoots": true,
"searchAreaRadius": -1,
"allowedAdjacentBlocks": [],
"adjacentStopMode": "STOP_ALL",
"spawnItemsAtBreakPoint": false
"tools": {
"allowed": [],
"denied": [],
"preserve": false,
"ignoreTools": false,
"damageMultiplicand": 1.0,
"damageRounding": "ROUND_DOWN",
"speedMultiplicand": 0.0,
"forceToolUsage": false
"player": {
"allowedTags": []
"enchantment": {
"requireEnchantment": false
"sneakMode": "SNEAK_DISABLE",
"breakInCreative": false,
"lootInCreative": true,
"notificationMode": "ACTION_BAR"
Relevant log output
No response
Is that a vanilla minecraft tree or from a mod ?
it's a modded tree but i would try vanilla trees and testing it. Please keep this open for now.
As it's modded there's several things to check :
- Do the leaves actually decays by themselves ? FallingTree does not break leaves, it simply speeds up the delay. If it never decays, you can add those leaves to the "Trees > Leaves (need breaking)" setting
- Are the leaves actually recognized by the mod? Depending on how the mod is made, leaves my not be recognized by default and will need to be added under "Trees > Allowed leaves" setting
- Are the leaves with the persistent attribute (can be seen on the F3 screen), if so they won't be broken
If you can't find out, tell the mods name/link and i can try to take a look.
- They dont decay by themselves obviously. I dont have any game breaking mod to actually do that,
- They are recognized by the mod perfectly. I have regions unexplored, blockus, biomesoplenty, and wilderwild.
- Even though persistent seems to call it "false" it's still persistent.
I think it only decays when log block is removed and air block replaces the leaves block as it progressively decay.
But without the support by the corresponding log block, and the leaves block is sticking on any solid block.
The leaves block will not be replaced by air block because it is sticking on a non log block. It could recognized that as persistent. But doing the F3 it was "false" and made it think it is sticking to a log block...
I know this doesnt make any sense to you but that's what I think.