FancyMenu [Fabric] [MOVED TO NEW PROJECT]

FancyMenu [Fabric] [MOVED TO NEW PROJECT]


[help me rhonda] configuration issues

kreezxil opened this issue · 13 comments


To start I decided to look at all the packs that depend on your mod and it seems they're all having issues displaying textures as they aren't doing it.

This what I have so far.

my config for what I want to happen

customization {
  orientation = bottom-left
  buttonaction = openlink
  x = 1
  width = 106
  action = addbutton
  y = -44
  label = Servers from $2.99
  value =
  height = 20
customization {
	action = addtexture
	path = config/fancymenu/main_bg.png
	orientation = top-left
	x = 1
	y = 1
	width = 1920
	height = 1080
customization {
	action = addtexture
	path = config/fancymenu/bisect.png
	orientation = bottom-left
	x = 1
	y = -78
	width = 106
	height = 60

my folder stucture

I want the following image to be the main static non-panoramic image.

and this image to be above the servers button

No matter what I try the full screen and one small texture never render.



if you want to see what i've done so far you can import this twitch pack.


For static backgrounds, use the texturizebackground customization action. I will add descriptions for all actions very soon, but for now, I recommend you to use the Layout Creator because everything is very self explaining with it :)

I will look into your texture issue later when I’m back at home. On the first look, everything seems correct, it should render your texture.

//Edit: After a quick look through your pack (can’t test it right now), I’ve found a section that points to a non-existent file. Your "texturizebackground" action is pointing to "config\fancymenu\customization\images\main_bg.png". Try using the correct path for it and remove the addtexture action which adds the background as normal image (that image would’ve been rendered over all default buttons, which, I think, is not what you’re trying to accomplish ^^


The layout creator is bugging on me and it doesn't allow loading of the layout. If open it where a layout was previously designed, the buttons will all be back to default.

I can make a video of that behavior.


Thats not a bug. The creator only allows to create layouts atm, not editing already existing layouts. Maybe I will add an edit feature in the future. ^^

Have you tried to fix the action with the missing texture? Does it work now or do you still see no images being rendered?

customization {
	action = texturizebackground
	path = config/fancymenu/main_bg.png
	orientation = top-left
	x = 1
	y = 1
	width = 1920
	height = 1080

customization {
	action = texturizebackground
	path = config/fancymenu/bisect.png
	orientation = bottom-left
	x = 1
	y = -78
	width = 106
	height = 60

this doesn't work


You cannot set multiple images as background. You have to set your main_bg.png as background (with "texturizebackground") and your server logo with "addtexture".

Variables like orientation, width, height, x and y do not exist for the texturizebackground action.

Try creating a layout with the creator in which you add your main_bg image as background image and your server logo as normal texture. Save it and look into the generated file to see how the actions are looking.

Do you use any other mods to customize or alter the main menu?


i took them out when i decided to try yours


before we go further do you have an example pack or know of a pack that is configured in this way that works that I can look at? if not can you assemble one right quick and you put it on here for examination via the wiki?


and yes, I changed as you suggested

customization {
	action = texturizebackground
	path = config/fancymenu/main_bg.png

customization {
	action = addtexture
	path = config/fancymenu/bisect.png
	x = 1
	y = -78
	orientation = bottom-left
	width = 108
	height = 60

There is no background and there is not extra graphic above the button.


I was using packmenu, and like I said it took it out because I already knew it was incompatible as I have asked you to make your mod fancymain compatible with it in the past and you basically nixed that Idea, i understand why.


I used the layout constructor like you said and it worked but i'm hard pressed to understand how this is different from what I pasted last.

customization {
  path = config/fancymenu/main_bg.png
  action = texturizebackground

customization {
  path = config/fancymenu/bisect.png
  orientation = top-left
  x = 0
  width = 100
  action = addtexture
  y = 0
  height = 100

The only difference I see is the order of the elements in the customization block


I'm not sure we should mark this as closed, it's resolved, but there is something going on here that made this more complicated than it should've been.

Since there is a pack download listed in here from my google drive, for someone to experiment with, here is also a config that show all the elements in the right place too.


type = menu

customization-meta {
  identifier = net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.MainMenuScreen
  renderorder = foreground

customization {
  path = config/fancymenu/main_bg.png
  action = texturizebackground

customization {
  path = config/fancymenu/bisect.png
  orientation = bottom-left
  x = 1
  width = 160
  action = addtexture
  y = -100
  height = 55

customization {
  identifier = menu.singleplayer
  orientation = mid-left
  x = 1
  action = movebutton
  y = -76

customization {
  identifier = menu.singleplayer
  width = 72
  action = resizebutton
  height = 20

customization {
  identifier = menu.multiplayer
  orientation = mid-left
  x = 1
  action = movebutton
  y = -54

customization {
  identifier = menu.multiplayer
  width = 72
  action = resizebutton
  height = 20

customization {
  identifier =
  orientation = mid-left
  x = 1
  action = hidebutton
  y = -32

customization {
  identifier =
  action = movebutton
  orientation = mid-left
  x = 1
  y = -32

customization {
  identifier =
  width = 72
  action = resizebutton
  height = 20

customization {
  identifier = narrator.button.language
  orientation = bottom-left
  x = 28
  action = movebutton
  y = -22

customization {
  identifier = narrator.button.language
  width = 72
  action = resizebutton
  height = 20

customization {
  identifier = narrator.button.accessibility
  orientation = bottom-left
  x = 3
  action = movebutton
  y = -22

customization {
  identifier = menu.options
  orientation = mid-left
  x = 1
  action = movebutton
  y = -10

customization {
  identifier = menu.options
  width = 72
  action = resizebutton
  height = 20

customization {
  identifier = menu.quit
  orientation = mid-left
  x = 1
  action = movebutton
  y = 12

customization {
  identifier = menu.quit
  width = 72
  action = resizebutton
  height = 20

customization {
  identifier = %id=9%
  orientation = mid-left
  x = 1
  action = movebutton
  y = -34

customization {
  identifier = %id=9%
  width = 72
  action = resizebutton
  height = 20

customization {
  orientation = bottom-centered
  buttonaction = openlink
  x = -102
  width = 72
  action = addbutton
  y = -22
  label = FeedBack
  value =
  height = 20
customization {
  orientation = bottom-centered
  buttonaction = openlink
  x = -24
  width = 72
  action = addbutton
  y = -22
  label = Community
  value =
  height = 20
customization {
  orientation = bottom-left
  buttonaction = openlink
  x = 1
  width = 106
  action = addbutton
  y = -44
  label = Servers from $2.99
  value =
  height = 20

I took the liberty of switching it to keys from %id=#%


Thank you for telling me about your experience with FancyMenu. I always try to improve it to make it as user-friendly as possible.

The order of variables inside a customization section doesn’t matter, so I don’t think that was the problem here.

I will close it for now but keeping an eye on it and experiment a little bit with similar setups like the one you’ve posted.

I'm happy that your layout is working now and it looks great! :)