Unable to open Mod Menu GUIs via button action
Magnotec1 opened this issue ยท 2 comments
The Mod Menu GUIs are not openable via "open gui" action on button
Create a button that has the button action "open gui" and set it to the menu identifier of a mod in mod menu. The button will not open the gui.
- OS: Ubuntu 21.10 Linux
- FancyMenu Version 2.3.0
- Minecraft Version 1.16.5
- Active Mods:
- advancedchat
- advancednbttooltip
- amecs
- amecsapi
- antiautojump
- anycapes
- architectury
- armourtoughnessbar
- artifice
- audiooutput
- aurora_keystrokes
- auto_third_person
- autoconfig1u
- bclib
- better-local-server
- betterdroppeditems
- betterf1
- betterf3
- bettermounthud
- boatiview
- boostedbrightness
- borderlessmining
- chat_heads
- cherishedworlds
- classicombat
- cleardespawn
- cloth-api
- cloth-config
- completeconfig
- continuebutton
- controlling
- cotton-client-commands
- cr-compass-ribbon
- craftpresence
- crowdin-translate
- Custom Selection Box
- cullleaves
- cursormod
- custom-crosshair-mod
- customsplashscreen
- damagetint
- detailab
- durability101
- dynamicfps
- dynamicsoundfilters
- enhancedblockentities
- entity-distance
- fabric
- fabric-api
- fabricloader
- fallingleaves
- fancymenu
- ferritecore
- fiber
- firstperson
- fixmygg
- flighthud
- fpsreducer
- gbfabrictools
- healthoverlay
- horsestatsvanilla
- illuminations
- inventoryhud
- itemmodelfix
- java16
- kirin
- konkrete
- kronhud
- krypton
- lazydfu
- libgui
- loading-timer
- lowfire
- malilib
- mambience
- minecraft1.16.5
- minemenufabric
- modmenu
- nmuk
- nobreak
- nomoreglowingpots
- not-enough-servers
- notenoughanimations
- notenoughcrashes
- now-playing
- oauth-fabric
- offlineskins
- okzoomer
- optifabric
- particlerain
- perspectivemod
- petowner
- phosphor
- pin that
- pling
- polish
- presencefootsteps
- replaymod
- resolutioncontrol
- respackopts
- screenshotclipboard
- skyblocker
- slight-gui-modifications
- slimeblockredstone
- smooth-chunks
- smoothboot
- sneaktweak
- spark
- spruceui
- stevekungs_lib
- swordblocking
- timechanger
- timetolive
- toolscroll
- tooltipfix
- transliterationlib
- voidfog
- vanilla_tweaks_downloader
- waterdripsound
- windowthonk
- worldedit
- worldeditcui
I tested this in both 1.16 and 1.18 and it seems to work just fine.
What's the exact menu identifier you're trying to use to open the menu?