FancyMenu [Fabric] [MOVED TO NEW PROJECT]

FancyMenu [Fabric] [MOVED TO NEW PROJECT]


[Probably All Versions] The button changes its position after you press it

Abbadon999 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


The "Multiplayer" button changes its position after opening any menu and returning to the main menu. The "Multiplayer" button returns to the correct position, but after a couple of milliseconds and this is noticeable.

The strangest thing is that only the button - Multiplayer behaves so "badly" and all the other buttons work well and do not move.

Basic Informations:

  • Windows
  • FancyMenu_forge_2.7.2_MC_1.12-1.12.2
  • Forge Version
  • Minecraft Version 1.12.2

I think there's something really wrong with your layout in general.
There's no way you find so many obvious bugs in like 1 day and nobody has ever noticed them before :D

You shared your layout in the other issue, but you removed the file. Please just upload the file, keep it on Dropbox (or whatever you use) and PLEASE STOP EDITING YOUR POSTS. It's confusing as hell and doesn't help.

Please send me your setup again. And don't remove the file 5 minutes later.

Please also try to start the mod with really just FancyMenu + its dependencies. Last time you did it you kept ResourceLoader-MC1.12.1-1.5.3 installed, which is not the definition of "just main mod + dependencies".

After starting the game with only main mod + dependencies AND AFTER TRIGGERING THE BUG(S), please send me your .minecraft/logs/latest.log file.


Please excuse me for editing, I just thought I had solved the problem at the time, so I didn't want to leave my menu file in the public domain

I did what you asked:
I left only those mods that are required for FancyMenu to work correctly.
Checked my menu and nothing has changed, the errors I described earlier remained:

  1. Millisecond shift of the Multiplayer button when opening any menu and return to the main menu.(Then the Multiplayer button aligns and returns to the correct position)
  2. Barely noticeable flickering text in yellow, if you drive the cursor over the buttons.

Here is the layout file of my menu -

logs file:


Well, was able to reproduce this, but again, only in your layout lmao

I don't know why this happens and will need time so find a fix for it, but I know a workaround for it.
Delete/hide the original Multiplayer button and create a custom button that opens the MP menu.


As you suggested, I created a duplicate Multiplayer button and now nothing "jumps", everything works correctly


FancyMenu v3 is a full rewrite, so I will close this for now. If it still happens, please open a new issue.