FancyMenu [Fabric] [MOVED TO NEW PROJECT]

FancyMenu [Fabric] [MOVED TO NEW PROJECT]


1.18.2 options background freeze when back to main menu

Mark1ed opened this issue · 3 comments


if I, for example, go into multiplayer mode and go back to the main menu, I will not have a menu, just a option background (dirt)

  1. go from main menu to any button (settings, multiplayer, e.t.c)
  2. back to main menu
  3. dirt background (bug)
    but at the same time, all buttons work, including reloading the menu, if you reboot, everything will work fine, but I would not like to click on the reboot button every time when it is not visible

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Basic Informations (please complete the following information):

  • Windows
  • FancyMenu Version 2.9.1
  • Fabric Version [e.g. 31.2.24]
  • Minecraft 1.18.2
    P.s. I'm bad in english and in many places I used a translator.

Please try it with only FancyMenu + dependencies installed and see if this fixes your issue.

If that doesn't help, please export your setup (customization menu bar at the top -> Setup -> Export) and send it to me. Thank you very much!


Yes! it's helped! thank you, but I want to see what mod or mods your mod conflicts with. If I see which mod is causing this bug, I'll let you know.


This bug is caused by the 'Slight' Gui Modifications mod. This mod creates animations for the settings menu, etc. So, to solve this error, you need to remove this mod. Or we will wait for an update in which there will be compatibility between these mods. Thanks for helping.