FancyMenu [Fabric] [MOVED TO NEW PROJECT]

FancyMenu [Fabric] [MOVED TO NEW PROJECT]


"Element Animation Controller" Element

Keksuccino opened this issue ยท 0 comments

  • Allows user to record element animations
    • Moving across screen
    • Change size
  • Right-clicking controller element allows user to go into special "record mode", where they can move and resize the controller across, to record animations
  • Keyframe-based animations (in record mode, user can add "checkpoints" after changing position/size, so the keyframe system can calculate animation by using these position/size "checkpoints")
  • When in record mode, display special hotkeys on screen, to quickly add new keyframe, stop recording, etc.
  • Controller can only hold one animation
  • Controller can then be applied to other element, so it plays the animation when the layout gets loaded
  • Controller has requirement support, so elements with this animation only play it when the controller is "visible"