FancyMenu [Fabric] [MOVED TO NEW PROJECT]

FancyMenu [Fabric] [MOVED TO NEW PROJECT]


Visibility Requirements Rework

Keksuccino opened this issue ยท 1 comments

  • Add "requirement groups" that can hold multiple visibility requirements to combine them to one big requirement
    • Ability to switch between group modes
      • Modes: AND; OR
      • AND will check if all requirements are true and OR will check if at least one is true
  • Allows user to add multiple instances of the same visibility requirement to the same element
  • Visibility requirement variables in customization section start with {<number>} prefix, to indicate which layer they are from
    • Variables without prefix always layer 1 (legacy support)
  • Visibility requirements in group start with {group:<group_name>}, then {<number>} for index
  • New UI with "plus" button to add new requirements to list that only shows active requirement instances

Added in FancyMenu v2.14.0!