FancyMenu [Fabric] [MOVED TO NEW PROJECT]

FancyMenu [Fabric] [MOVED TO NEW PROJECT]


Layer stacking with textures?

JJRicks opened this issue · 24 comments


Hello, thank you so much for making this! A few friends and I have teamed up to make a Hollow Knight resource pack, and so far the menu animation looks fantastic thanks to the mod.
(short video of what it looks like right now)

I'd also like to add this texture to make the look more accurate to the game, but as you can see, it goes over top of the splash text. Is there a way layers could be added so it could go underneath the splash? Unfortunately if I put the texture on the animated background, it wouldn't line up anymore if the window size changes.
Thank you so much!


On closer inspection, it looks like the splash text is on top of the texture, but its drop shadow isn't. (How peculiar!)


Hi! At first, thank you so much for sharing your main screen! It looks so damn beautiful! :D I love it.

The problem with stacking objects in the render process is, that I can’t really control it. You can imagine the customization process as layer, which is placed over the normal menu. That means, everything you add to a menu (not button modifications, because the buttons are already there) will be rendered over the standard objects.

The only thing I could try to do is, adding a new variable to the type-meta section (in customization files) to define, if all objects of this customization file should be rendered behind everything or over it.

//Edit: The thing with your splash text confuses me on a whole new level. In your first screen, the splash is definitely behind the texture and in the second one, just it’s shadow is rendered behind the texture. I have a theory why this happens, but I’m not at my PC right now so I can’t test it ^^


Hi, thank you for your reply! I did a bit of testing on my end, and found that showcustomizationbuttons seems to change it between the two. (true = fully behind, and false = just the shadow. Strange indeed!)

If putting something fully behind the splash text is impossible at the code level, that's all ok; this mod has gotten me father than I'd ever imagined possible, so thank you for publishing it!


I tried to reproduce the issue on 1.13.2, but without success :/ Which MC version are you using? Do you have any other mods active?


1.15.2, no other mods at this time 👍 If needed I can also provide the textures/animation/config things


Okay, I'm so confused :D Everything is working for me in 1.15.2 o.O With and without the customization buttons. Is your MC logo loaded with the customization system or is it the vanilla one with a reource pack?


MC logo is vanilla with a resource pack, but I plan to change it to a texture for higher resolution possibly in the future


Thats sooo strange. Oh and yes, config, customization files and textures would be great to eventually reproduce the issue ^^

//Edit: Could you please try if it still happens without your resourcepack enabled?


Will try, also uploading now


Thank you very much!


If putting something fully behind the splash text is impossible at the code level, that's all ok; this mod has gotten me father than I'd ever imagined possible, so thank you for publishing it!

That should be no problem btw. I just want to fix your issue before I start to implement this feature :p


Using fancymenu_0.4.3.1_MC_1.15-1.15.2
Here it is with the resource pack disabled

(Text on top but shadow behind)
(Reloading the game now to get the default splash text)


Default splash is the important part, I think it could be something with the custom one.


Reloaded, same thingy. Very strange!


Ooookay, now I'm out of ideas. I literally don't know why this is even possible :'D


Uploading files, going to remove some of the sounds from the pack so it doesn't take forever haha


Thanks again, you're a big help. I hope I can reproduce it with your files.. Otherwise, you can just hope that it will fix itself by implementing the new stacking order feature :/


Folder link
Forge and Mod versions I'm using in there too

JVM Arguments: -Xmx16G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M (Not sure if that affects much but, hopefully it helps)


Okay, for some reason, it only happens in 1.15, BUT I was able to reproduce it! ^^ Thats good. I'm as confused as before, but now I can try to fix it :'D Thank you for your help!


And thank you so much as well, much appreciated!


Yes, that will be included in the next update too! :D

Oh, uhm yes, I do ^^ Easiest way to do it is via CurseForge, I think I've enabled the donation button (PayPal) for FancyMenu, but I'm not 100% sure ^^ (Edit: Yes, should be enabled!) I was thinking about a Patreon thing to be included in closed betas or something, but I'm not really sure about it.. So for now, only PayPal, sorry >.<

Little teaser, the rendering order feature is implemented: :D

//Edit: Thank you so much for your donation <3


I think, I fixed it! Will be included in the next update!


Awesome, thank you!! (Not to push it, but are there future plans for splash text to be moveable? If not that's all good) ;D
Do you take donations?


FancyMenu v1.0 got released, added the ability to specify the render order and fixed the splash text rendering bug.