- 1
Make the default GUI scale (FM settings) load before the loading screen
#546 opened by Keksuccino - 1
Make the `/openguiscreen` command work for non-players
#547 opened by Keksuccino - 1
1.19.2 Occasional Client crash
#548 opened by Saereth - 1
Port improved text element of MC 1.12 to other FM versions
#544 opened by Keksuccino - 1
Text elements sometimes fail to load on menu init
#543 opened by Keksuccino - 1
Vanilla buttons with custom orientation break "Is Element Hovered" requirement
#545 opened by Keksuccino - 2
Add slider actions
#549 opened by Keksuccino - 1
Add support for spaces in `/fmvariable` command
#550 opened by Keksuccino - 0
Audio Extension: No warning when adding audios with invalid/unsupported file names
#551 opened by Keksuccino - 1
Add config option (toggle on/off) to reset ALL variables on launch (same as `clearvariables` action)
#552 opened by Keksuccino - 1
Recursive Resources is incompatible.
#553 opened by Blisterexe - 6
[1.19.4 Fabric] Layout glitched when going from Single Player screen to Title screen
#554 opened by waddon1 - 1
Move stuff from `AdvancedMusicTicker` to Mixin in Vanilla `MusicManager` class and remove setter from `GameMusicHandler`
#555 opened by Keksuccino - 2
Incompatibility with Dave's Potioneering and Optifine
#556 opened by JawboTau - 1
Add back in-line line break handling to text elements, so line breaks in placeholders work again
#557 opened by Keksuccino - 1
Crash in text editor
#558 opened by Keksuccino - 1
"Absolute Path" placeholder
#559 opened by Keksuccino - 1
FancyMenu Mod: the background has a slight transparent dirt background
#560 opened by WunkeyBalls - 1
Allow custom slider elements to mimic vanilla slider functionalities such as FOV
#561 opened by Mqony - 1
[1.19.2] Misalignment after opening menus
#562 opened by itsdinkd - 1
Text Element jumps on first appearance
#563 opened by Keksuccino - 1
Game freezes with OpenGL "Out of VRAM" error message after setting the background to an animation
#564 opened by MCAlexisYT - 0
Unable to open Pause menu via `opengui` action
#565 opened by Keksuccino - 1
The position of the full screen and window mode buttons is incorrect
#566 opened by fanrenla - 3
Where did the 1.8.9 version go?
#567 opened by sennecoolgames - 1
Delay ui element's display
#568 opened by Jack253-png - 0
#569 opened by Keksuccino - 1
Impossible to save!
#570 opened by EntrGame - 2
The new splash screen system for forge is marginally incompatible
#571 opened by cpw - 1
Crash when booting game after latest update (v2.14.8-1)
#572 opened by Gbergz - 2
help with buttons and options_background
#573 opened by MolodecOfficial - 0
Support for more plain text file types for "Text" element (like .log, .json, etc.)
#578 opened by Keksuccino - 1
Auto-scrolling + text file content updates for "Text" elements
#579 opened by Keksuccino - 2
[1.18.2]Invalid animation settings
#574 opened by Gufeng-online - 1
"Is Element Overlapping Element" loading requirement (with alpha channel support)
#575 opened by Keksuccino - 1
[MC 1.20+; Unconfirmed] Player Entity elements always render on top of everything, despite being behind other elements
#580 opened by Keksuccino - 1
Baby player has oversized cape that does not turn off
#576 opened by KajesLorian - 1
`disconnect` action with target screen as value
#577 opened by Keksuccino - 3
[1.20.1]The delayed appearance feature of the button doesn't work
#582 opened by latiaotiao - 1
Player entity and splash text not showing in main menu
#581 opened by Kamix13 - 2
Last Joined World button shows tooltip while loading
#583 opened by FooterManDev - 1
Text Editor: Game crash when pressing DEL while cursor is on last character
#584 opened by Keksuccino - 1
Very Little Menu on macOS "basic screen"
#585 opened by 91leMAC - 1
Button Action Open Link breaks on press "Done"
#586 opened by spiro-angelakis - 1
Mod 1.19.4 Realm notification
#587 opened by LeSpatiocorne - 1
Menu Flicker
#588 opened by Permdog99 - 6
Crash when entering the chest, pause menu and so on
#589 opened by Vingriz - 2
[MC 1.16.5+] Game crashes at the start with Intel integrated low Graphic Card
#592 opened by JAVIxcr - 1
Ability to change the header and footer textures of scrollable screens
#590 opened by Keksuccino - 1
`&` formatting codes in `pastetochat` and `sendmessage` actions get replaced with `ยง` codes
#591 opened by Keksuccino