


The new splash screen system for forge is marginally incompatible

cpw opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Describe the issue
What exactly is telling you that the mod is incompatible?
Me. I wrote the new forge splash screen code. Your mixins are targetting something that no longer exists.

Game Log
None. It's not crashing.

Try using 47.0.4 or higher of forge. Things don't quite work. Also, I think the new interstitial "configure narrator" screen also interferes with your stuff, so it's probably time to slightly rethink a bit?

The new overlay system should be able to support your usecase, probably without deep mixin hacks as well. Let's review needs for event hooks.

Edit: I suggest that if you want to explore ways to make your life easier, ping me (cpw) in the forge discord.



Your mixins are targetting something that no longer exists

Thank you for telling me! Will release a fix asap! :)

so it's probably time to slightly rethink a bit?

Yeah, you're right. Some of FancyMenu's code is also ancient and is just not good enought anymore tbh. That's why I'm currently working on FancyMenu v3, which is basically a full rewrite, so I'm already rethinking a lot of stuff lately :D

Let's review needs for event hooks

Well, that's very nice of you and I really appriciate it, but v3 will be a MultiLoader setup (Forge/Fabric), so I try to not use loader-dependand stuff very often.. I know you probably don't like that idea, but even though I try to avoid it, I still use events where it's really important for stability (like registry stuff, etc.), so don't worry.


Fixed in FancyMenu v2.14.8 for Forge 1.20.1!