


Activate a keybind with an action script + reminder that #715 exists

KaaayKaay opened this issue · 1 comments


An example of this in use would be having a button using this action script, you set the value of the action script to "key_key.togglePerspective", when you click this button it now toggles your perspective.

 + Suggestion for #715, allow the key listener to function outside of a menu via an option on a universal layout or something, basically just being able to use this in game for custom key binds. I would expect the ability to click a button, it listen for a keybind then set a keybind to the key pressed via the "change minecraft option value" function or "set variable value" function somehow, just like the vanilla options screen does but a lil' more custom.

This combined with the "Key listener" element from #715 would be insane.


Please don't open issues for reminding me about another OPEN ISSUE.
This is just issue spam, dude. You don't need to remind me of issues when they are still open. I can see that with my own eyes..

If you want the "Trigger Keybind with Action" feature, please open a new, clean issue without the useless reminder stuff, thank you very much.