


Make universal layouts able to be enabled and disabled per customized screen

Jetpack-Cat opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Currently I can't think of anything I could use universal layouts for due to them being enabled on every single screen with customization turned on.

What would be incredibly useful and powerful is if we could import universal layout to specific screens we want - or enable/disable universal layouts on different customized screens. Then I could have multiple universal layout, one that's applied to these 3 screens, another that's applied to these other 5 custom gui screens, etc.

I'm using fancy menu in the game to show lore screens, and I want the music to continue throughout those screens.

I believe it would make developing sets of custom screens easier. Currently it seems the only way to really utilize universal screens is using tickers to change variables which makes the experience ceiling higher for newcomers.

My preference would be that the user has to import the universal screen per customized screen, instead of the universal layouts being enabled for every screen by default.

Maybe this feature to import screens into customized screens could be it's own feature though?

And I have thought about the idea of having a single screen and just hiding specific button/elements to make it look like we're going from screen to screen. That though becomes more challenging adding and removing variables for newbies. Not by much, but it makes it feel jankier than it should.


Theres whitelists and blacklists for universal layouts that do the function I was asking for.