Fanny Pack switching very slow
matejdro opened this issue ยท 2 comments
We started using your mod and for some reason, switching between fanny packs is very slow. It always takes at least a second between pressing a button and hotbar swapping, but it can also take up to several seconds.
For mod that is supposed to boost productivity, this is very annoying.
Server runs fine otherwise (full tickrate, no performance issues other than that).
What info can I give you to help troubleshooting this issue?
Geez, I have no idea what might cause that. To be honest I haven't tested FannyPack very extensively on servers. A full mod list would help, but I'm very sorry I probably won't have much time to work on FannyPack in the near future as I just got back to college. I invite you and anyone else to look in the code if you have the skills. There's not very much code at all.