Farmer's Delight

Farmer's Delight


[Meta] Item & Recipe Integration (Forge Tags)

vectorwing opened this issue ยท 8 comments


I haven't fully implemented compatibility and integration on the mod's items yet, and I'm still wondering what is the best way to approach that. For example: tagging items like Rice so that other mods can use it on rice-related recipes (forge:rice?).

If anyone has resources or recommendations on how to go about this, or how other farming mods do it, please let me know here!


Hello, I believe Simple Farming does something similar, it uses tags by putting fruits and veggies in tags such as forge:crops/onions, forge:vegetables/onions, and forge:fruits/orange.


Also, if anyone's savvy with it, we're open to pull requests tagging either items or recipes to be compatible with recipes/ingredients of other mods!


Hmm! SF and Pam's seem to share a lot of tags, though Pam's really covers every use case it has. I'll adopt those. Thanks for letting me know!


Oh, I meant the wild crop plants that spawn in the world.


Hi again!
Mulch is missing the forge:dirt tag, which means modded plants can't be placed on it or be used in recipes. Maybe the same for Organic Compost?

And if wild crops are given the minecraft:small_flowers tag, bees will pollinate them. :)


Bees are already pollinating the crops with the recent commits, don't know about mulch though


Oh yeah, I added them to minecraft:small_flowers like you suggested! Bees are now attracted to them as blocks and can be bred with them. It's in the newest branch, feature/moar-foods. I'm checking the other tags as well, and adding some I missed (such as forge:rawfish and forge:cookedfish


Integration seems good for now, I'll reopen this some other time.