Farmer's Delight

Farmer's Delight


[1.15.2] Cooking Pot does not handle item automation properly

vectorwing opened this issue ยท 1 comments


On version 0.1.3, the Cooking Pot lacks a proper item stack handler for automated item insertions/extractions, instead delegating it to LockableTileEntity's InvWrapper. Inserters such as Hoppers will be able to insert items into all slots, including the outputs.

This has to do with my lack of knowledge on Capabilities, but should be simple to resolve with sufficient study. I have to restrict insertions to the first six inputs, and allow extractions only from the final output (not the meal slot), and perhaps move known containers to the container slot so items can be extracted.

Steps to reproduce:
Point any item inserter into the Cooking Pot, and insert 7 different items into it.

Expected behavior:
The Pot should not allow items to be inserted into outputs (meal, container and output).

Mod list:
Forge 31.2.31


Fixed in pull request #47 and I forgot to tag this issue.