Farmer's Delight

Farmer's Delight


Feature Request / Discussion: Emitting events when a food finishes cooking with a reference to the player who cooked it.

Silvertide7 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I started making a compat mod for this and Project MMO but I ran into a snag with the different cooking blocks. The main issue I had was not having a reference to the player who placed the food anywhere in those methods. I wanted to see if you would be open to emitting events when a food is processed or cooked by one of your blocks, and if that event could have a reference to the food that was cooked and the player that placed it.

This would make it a lot easier for others to extend or create expansions for the mod as well for events that need to know when an item has processed through your mod.

I wasn't sure if you knew of a way currently to get access to the player in a place after the food has finished cooking? I can also implement this compat mod with mixins, which I have working in the StoveTopEntityBlock's cookAndOutputItems method. Just no access to the player who placed the items is a bummer.