Fast Vanilla Furnaces

Fast Vanilla Furnaces


Incompatibility with AppleCore

squeek502 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


CplPibald's Tweaks overrides FoodStats, which is incompatible with AppleCore (and any mod that also overrides FoodStats).

Two options to solve this:

  • Use the same method suggested here when AppleCore is installed
  • Don't override FoodStats when the config options for that feature are turned off (only a half-fix, as users would have to disable that feature in order to 'solve' the incompatibility).

See also squeek502/AppleCore#134


PiTweaks should not override FoodStats when both food tweaks are turned off. See onEntityJoinWorld here. For AppleCore compatibility, make sure to disable both uncapFood and uncapSaturation tweaks in config/pitweaks.cfg and then restart Minecraft.

If you are certain the tweaks are disabled and are still seeing this problem, let me know and I will download AppleCore to investigate.


Ah, alright, didn't check that. I'm the author of AppleCore, just reporting what was said in squeek502/AppleCore#134:

I had hoped turning both configs off dealing with Food for CplPibald would fix the issue, however, this doesn't seem to be the case.

From your source code, it seems like that can't be true, though.


Detecting AppleCore and using its APIs per the thread you linked looks like definitely the cleanest way to handle this.


See TheRandomLabs/RandomTweaks@0489814 for a more complete example implementation


Issued a hotfix (v1.1.1) to work around the crashes by detecting AppleCore and disabling the conflicting code. Since this feature was completely new in PiTweaks, disabling it will not affect anybody who uses both PiTweaks and AppleCore in a modpack.

Leaving this open for now, as I need to think some more about how I want to approach mod compat issues like this.