- 1
Crash on latest version Fabric 1.19.2
#1553 opened by pokesmells - 4
mod mobs blacklisting for manure mod in config
#1554 opened by william7733 - 8
Transcending Trident not launching me
#1555 opened by AllOutJay - 1
Cycle Paintings shows hidden paintings
#1556 opened by Darkhax - 3
Doubledoors: doors and trapdoors behaves weirdly - don't allow passing through
#1575 opened by lospejos - 2
Random Village Names should have a config file to set a custom name list.
#1576 opened by BluShine - 8
Issue with Collective and other serilum mods being detected
#1577 opened by morkmorkmorkmork - 1
Configurable Extra Mob Drops
#1578 opened by ChargeN3eko - 2
[1.19.2] Areas. Multiplayer game. Zone is created with an empty description.
#1579 opened by hoxqot - 0
Compiling dual modloader source code
#1580 opened by DamDam0887 - 1
Compatibility with Immersive Portals
#1581 opened by vico93 - 1
Cannot walk through double doors
#1557 opened by BaccarWozat - 1
William Wythers' Overhauled Overworld trees incompatibility
#1558 opened by KostromDan - 1
no config
#1559 opened by Denoxyy - 3
Special character support lost
#1561 opened by Frzncore - 2
[Bug] NHAC Crash with runtime dimension (Tardis Refined. possibly RFTools dims)
#1560 opened by AlienXtream - 4
Mod resolution encountered an Incompatible Mod Set!
#1562 opened by ProducerMZ - 1
Passive Endermen doesn't work
#1563 opened by jh05013 - 0
Stack refill stopped working
#1564 opened by PlovieJ - 2
Crying Portals not working on Forge 1.19.2
#1565 opened by tinytransfem - 2
Ability to change colors for different players in "Beautiful Chat"
#1566 opened by Veuvern - 2
Doesnt work.. at all.
#1567 opened by alexzzing - 0
Vanilla Zoom keybind is also using item in hand
#1568 opened by EightBitBBQ - 2
hello i set my followers to not be able to take damage for the max of 86400 secs and thats 24 hours so i tried to go into combat to test it and they still take damage sadly is this a bug?
#1569 opened by Nathanos2256 - 1
Tree Harvester: Cutting azalea tree issue
#1570 opened by DaijobuDes - 1
[nether portal spread] Adding blocks from other mods to the spreadsettings.txt does not work.
#1571 opened by Fokke456 - 1
would it be possible to cloke myself from the player tracking compass?
#1572 opened by wheel4598 - 2
Villager Death Messages - Server crash
#1573 opened by sternschnaube - 1
Favor spawning on blocks instead of water.
#1574 opened by MidasMischief - 3
Spawnpoint being moved on top of structure instead of inside it
#1582 opened by T0mt4ru - 1
Configurable Mob Potion Effect Questions
#1583 opened by akirawav3 - 4
1.16.5 Please?
#1584 opened by StellarHarbour - 1
Can't set small negative coordinates for overworld
#1585 opened by blahber - 0
Respawn Delay is not compatible with You're in Grave Danger
#1586 opened by DSRoie - 1
Can you make Automatic Doors mod open doors only if you looking in it's direction?
#1587 opened by StellarHarbour - 6
Zombie Horse Spawn mod horse drifting
#1588 opened by StellarHarbour - 6
Can the "Areas" mod be ported to Fabric version 1.19?
#1589 opened by AStrong34 - 2
Dont Work on 1.19.2
#1590 opened by mcsnack - 1
When held shield in offhand,it negate the attack damage from player.
#1591 opened by Greygreygod - 1
I want advertise your mod "Starter Kit" to MCBBS.
#1592 opened by imnotyangjiu - 4
Double Doors: Add config to disable specific openings
#1593 opened by NekoLeila - 2
Mojang API
#1594 opened by calinado - 2
Nether Portal Spread CTD modded items in spread list
#1595 opened by LonelyBard - 2
New configs for Mineral Chance.
#1596 opened by Alucard3598 - 0
Fishing Rods are not replaced
#1597 opened by RainOfPain125 - 1
Hide Hands Configuration not doing anything
#1598 opened by EightBitBBQ - 3
Crashing with mismatch version, but Curseforge launcher updated Collective on its own.
#1599 opened by purejosh - 1
Tree Harverster: Fast decay Wart Blocks
#1600 opened by EightBitBBQ - 4
missing Netherite Block?
#1601 opened by MBelhardi - 2
[Fabric 1.16.5] Areas does't have a update for 1.16.5
#1602 opened by Bekman120