Female Gender Mod

Female Gender Mod


Idk code and an error happened

HELpfnjieowfnuio opened this issue ยท 3 comments


badically i was just trying it out and i press appearence settings and it crashes saying exit code-1


In 1.20.4 using the newest version of the mod (1.20.2-3.1) game crashes with exit code 1 and this error

The game crashed whilst mouseclicked event handler
Error: java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: class com.wildfire.gui.WildfireBreastPresetList overrides final method net.minecraft.class_339.method_37020(Lnet/minecraft/class_6382;)V

idk if this is the same issue but as there is no information in this issue I will add this context.
I also know that I am using the wrong version of minecraft for the mod, however everything else works fine.


The 1.20.2 version mod works fine with 1.20.4, you just can't use the menu. But you can use the config file to edit the value.
If you want a working version of the mod for 1.20.4, you can go on the discord server and check pins in the mod discussion channel.


I decided to change to forge and it fixed it anyways