![Female Gender Mod](https://media.forgecdn.net/avatars/thumbnails/1133/50/256/256/638693066509730010.png)
- 1
[CurseForge Issue Report] Not compatible with LuckPerms
#20 opened by WildfireRomeo - 1
[CurseForge Issue Report] Cosmetic Armor Incompatability
#21 opened by WildfireRomeo - 2
[CurseForge Issue Report] Female hurt sound doesn't play after eating an enchanted golden apple (possibly when under any effect)
#22 opened by WildfireRomeo - 1
[CurseForge Issue Report] Chest model isn't as wide as armor model
#23 opened by WildfireRomeo - 0
[CurseForge Issue Report] [1.16.5] Crash when used together with Morph
#24 opened by WildfireRomeo - 3
Crash when interacting with modded armors (1.18.1)
#14 opened by EvergreenSystems - 3
Character settings configuration is frozen in-game.
#27 opened by Kichura - 1
[Suggestion] Customizeable Defaults
#40 opened by sisby-folk - 3
Sliders not saving or adjusting properly
#41 opened by InkyLily - 0
3rd-party armor chestplates cause pink textures.
#42 opened by Kichura - 5
Suggestion to use "less gendered" terminology in-game.
#43 opened by Lylythii - 5
[1.18.2] Crash when interacting with Immersive Engineering tanks
#47 opened by EvergreenSystems - 2
[Suggestion/Cosmetic Armor quirk] Armor "Physics Resistance" toggle
#49 opened by ArgobargSoup - 2
[Fabric] Cosmetic Armor + Transparent Cosmetics issue
#52 opened by DatuStram - 2
[1.19] Forge breaking changes
#56 opened by Baggytrousers27 - 6
Rare concurrency crash due to playing sounds
#57 opened by spiralhalo - 2
crash on load
#59 opened by VerserVarlin - 2
[Suggestion] Add support of 3D Skin Layer mod
#54 opened by Big-Cake-jpg - 3
how to fix this problem?it just crash after i open the game
#60 opened by MyD1Man - 1
2.9.1 version crashes on world start up.
#62 opened by Fade-Alchemist - 0
[1.19.2] Armor physics does not function with cosmetic armor in the pack
#63 opened by EvergreenSystems - 0
incompatible with invisible/cosmetic armor mods
#64 opened by corgidotcom - 10
Breasts don't show for other players
#69 opened by TheEternalAce - 1
I made Chinese text (zh_cn.json)
#65 opened by ChocolaVanilla0305 - 1
I made Chinese language file(zh_cn)
#66 opened by ChocolaVanilla0305 - 2
Breasts should bounce when running
#68 opened by solonovamax - 3
armor physics dose not work
#70 opened by cimu233 - 0
Female hurt sounds plays even when disabled if hurt by thorns armor on armor stand
#71 opened by terminal-cs - 1
Can you add a button for add boobs at everyone?
#72 opened by PizzabladeIV - 1
Game soft crash when taking damage
#73 opened by NotAF2P - 2
Incompatibility with "Show Me Your Skin!" mod
#74 opened by Bitslayn - 3
feature request: hide boob armor
#75 opened by VerserVarlin - 1
Female hurt sound disconnects you from your world.
#76 opened by Bobeik