FerriteCore (Fabric)

FerriteCore (Fabric)


Lag spike when block update

Dueris opened this issue ยท 6 comments


When pairing Optifabric with Ferrite Core, whenever a block updates it causes a massive lag spike. The fps quickly goes down but back up so f3 doesn't notice but while playing in-game, whenever you break a block or a block updates like water or sand, then lag spikes occur. Everything else is normal with tiny lag spikes when loading chunks or placing blocks


What version of MC, FerriteCore, Optifine and Optifabric are you using? Is the lag spike definitely worse than without FC? You can see a graph of the time per frame by pressing Alt+F3.


1.19.2 all of them updated to the latest version that supports 1.19.2. The lag spike only happens when using FC. If you remove it, no more lag spikes. On the graph, the spike goes from a nice stable green but right once a block updates it goes off the chart into a high red and back down to a stable green


I'm unable to reproduce this in a clean superflat world with default settings. Did you change any settings? Are you using shaders or resource packs? Is there anything special in the chunks this happens in?


I am using a default world and a render distance of 13-27. I am also experiencing this issue when I am on my minecraft server that has the terra world generator. I have my own resource pack that is based off of the Stay True texture pack. The settings I am using is 9-11 simulation distance, 13-27 render distance, all settings turned on in performance tab, and nothing else is changed that i can think of. I am currently not on my computer but when I can go on it I can provide a screenshot.


Please upload screenshots when you can. The only scenario where I get that level of lag spikes is with chunk building set to blocking and a chunk filled with fences, but the lag is about the same with and without FC.

Also, please install Spark. Run /sparkc profiler start --thread *, cause as many of the laggy block updates as quickly as possible, then run /sparkc profiler stop and post the link generated by that. That should/might give a rough idea of what's happening.


Alright I will. I will also include a list of mods that are with Optifine/Optifabric. I have included other mods like voicechat and memory leak fix and others. I will also include pc specs