


Mod Needs Config settings in Minecraft Mod panel

yumikitzue opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Minecraft version


Feywild version


Forge version


The latest.log file


Issue description

hello feywild creator your dwarf black smith needs a blacklist option in the mod section of mine craft menus the dwarf spam is so annoying they spawn constantly in the deep dark which is a different dimension made by anther mod creator

Steps to reproduce

mods loaded (number Na) setting <---- needs config

Other information

mods loaded (number Na) setting <---- needs config


We have a blacklist where you can add the dimension biome names so the mobs don't spawn.
How ever some dimensions don't have biomes so you can't blacklist it.
Also some dimensions make their buildings below the normal 64 height, wich causes the dwarves to spawn like crazy.

We working on a solution:
Only make mobs spawn in the Overworld (and Alfheim)
And add a whitelist that can add biomes where the mobs should spawn.
I think this is much friendlier.

Thanks for reporting.
Leaving this open till solution is implemented.


Version 1.16.5 - 2.1.0 should fix this issue!
We added a whitelist instead of a blacklist, and the mobs only spawn in Overworld (and Alfheim) unless the biome of the dimension is added to the whitelist.