


[1.16.5 Bug] LootTable of containers will be generated when searching

GoldenTotem opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Minecraft 1.16.5 Forge 36.2.35 FineMe 2.2.0

If player use searching, all container around him will generate items by their loot table, even player in spectator mode.

  1. Run command /setblock ~ ~ ~ chest{LootTable:"minecraft:chests/end_city_treasure"}
  2. Open your inventory and press Y on an item.
  3. Run command on that chest /data get block ~ ~ ~
  4. You will see {LootTable:""} nbt is disappeared and instead with {Items:[]}, which means the loot table has been generated before someone open the chest.

Please add a config to control whether searching can generate loot table. And whether it's ture of false, spectator player can never generate loot table.