Fireproof Items

Fireproof Items


[1.16] Make items behave like in 1.17

Nicknaem opened this issue · 3 comments


the most important feature is to make lava proof items float on top of lava
and less important one is to make those items not play burning sound when throwing them into lava
theese features will make this mod perfect, without those features mod feels a little bit uncomplete


I'm assuming this is a suggestion for the 1.12 version of the mod. As I do not mod on 1.12, I will
be assigning this issue to @grillo78


I'm assuming this is a suggestion for the 1.12 version of the mod. As I do not mod on 1.12, I will
be assigning this issue to @grillo78

nope I was about 1.16.5, also couldnot figure out how to add all items as fireproof, cant find any config file, it seems I have to configure it in different way, what does "add it to the item tag fireproofitems/items/fire_proof_items" mean, it was in mod description


Oh indeed, I forgot this happened on 1.16 as well. I will take a look at it.
As for the item tags:

First you create a data pack like usual (there should be tutorials on this). In the folder data/fireproofitems/items, create a file fire_proof_items.json and fill it with whatever an item tag file normally looks like (something like this)