First Aid

First Aid


unofficial Fabric port...ish?

NathnTaylor opened this issue · 4 comments


Hi! uhhh we started a port of First Aid to Fabric?... :D

It's not a straight port, it is more of a "yes limb health separation like First Aid, but it has a bunch of other things"
I've really not seen anything like this, I really consider this mod's concept to be unique, so I didn't want to continue to develop it with my team without consulting you/letting you know we are using your idea somewhere else.

We also wanted to this point out because the mod is GPL and that's not quite the right license for mods, so we cant see what you did on your code and implement something similar in ours. We don't want any legal trouble and whatnot.

We're not looking for you to officialize it or even help with it, we just wanted to check if was okay for us to glance over your code and use the idea under a different license (right now on Apache 2, to be made LGPLv3)

If you're interested in taking a peek to what we've done so far here's our git



first of all, I don't see anything that is wrong with GPL for mods... I lets you clone and modify the source and and republish it as long as you public sources, stay GPL and credit the original IIRC. But maybe there is a catch I don't see here.

Regarding fabric ports in general: As you may or may not know, my stance in the past was "I won't do it (mostly because time and effort), but if someone else wants to do it great". So feel free to reimplement this on fabric, or write your own version of the "split health thingy" concept. Would be nice if you linked my project as inspiration (or original source if you just port it) on CF or wherever you plan to publish your mod.
Also, I know many parts of FirstAid are not perfect, like e.g. there is too much randomness for my liking. If you discover a nice solution and feel like it would fit in the "original" first aid as well, feel free to let me know.


The concern with the GPL is that it requires code which links to it to also be GPL-compatible, and Minecraft isn't... that, or a system library.


Yah the GLP issue is that it's incompatible with Minecraft itself, but LGPL isn't. Doubt Mojang cares, but it does limit ports for example, since GPL is not valid, the fallback is ARR.

And sure! We'll be adding some stuff to it but I'll make sure to link your CF and GitHub once it's published.
Unsure whether our Fabric methods will be something you'll be able to replicate, but if we find a better way, we'll let you know/you're free to take it for FirstAid.


Huh, interesting. That's a very specific limitation I didn't knew about. Although I find it really, really unlikely anybody will ever sue somebody over this, everybody is free to use the FirstAid project as if it were licensed under LGPLv3.