First Aid

First Aid


[Compat / Issue] When using Cold Sweat, Taking damage targets the head only.

zndrmn opened this issue ยท 0 comments


> Issue (in-short)
In short, the issue is that taking damage from being too hot / cold only targets the head, resulting in a quick death

> Issue (in-depth)
When using the mod Cold Sweat, taking damage from being too cold / hot will never spread across the entire body, making it very difficult to stay alive during dire consequences.

> Additional Info
Quote from the Cold Sweat mod dev
"There unfortunately isn't much I can
do about that because First Aid is
overriding the way Cold Sweat deals
damage. I'd suggest taking this up
with the author of the mod. They
might be able to fix it on their side

The mod author is also overhauling their mod, so I would maybe contact them in some way to see if the future versions of their mod will be more friendly to each other, there's a link to their discord on their CurseForge site.

Minecraft Version : 1.16.5
Forge Version : 36.2.0
OptiFine Version : G8
Cold Sweat Version : r1.3.5
First Aid Version : 1.9.7