First Aid

First Aid


The mod isn't respecting any restrictions (Claims, server-properties PVP, /heal)

TheFlash787 opened this issue ยท 4 comments



There's a major issue with FirstAid preventing it from being used on many/any servers. Firstly, when using /heal from a plugin, it doesn't actually take effect because FirstAid is overwriting it with it's own health data, without using the generic one. (See SpongePowered/SpongeForge#2998)

Secondly, any claim protection is being completely ignored because whilst players are not being visually hit, the health is still being taken which means that players can be spawn-killed even if PVP protection is enabled.

Lastly, and the most important one (since I understand that mod developers will ignore issues related to Sponge or plugins), when pvp is disabled in, it makes absolutely no effect whatsoever. Players are never visually hurt, but the distributed damage is taken and the player will still die.


Still not resolved


Heal should work if the watchSetHealth and allowOtherHealingItems config option is enabled, as it watches if the genic health one changed and adjusts the average health of body parts to match.
I just tested disabling pvp, at least in the 1.14.4 version it works without problems. Disabling pvp allows no damage to be done.


This isn't resolved, I'm guessing it may be fixed in a non 1.12.2 version but this still exists in 1.12.2 despite permissions and such.


was this problem solved im having same problems using worlddefender for sponge forge