1.14.4 Still healing even with the gamerule set to false
Opened this issue ยท 1 comments
When testing this mod in my modpack, I noticed that whenever I took damage, I would heal it. I checked both config files, and even installed Global Gamerules and set it to false. I checked it in game and I said it was set to false, but I continued to regen after this. The version of this mod is 1.7.11 (Current Latest Version). I have used this mod before, and haven't experienced this issue before, so I will also try previous versions.
|Advancement Book | ParkerMc01 | Advancement_Book-1.14-1.0.4.jar |
| AI Improvements | DarkGuardsman | AI-Improvements-1.14.4-0.3.0.jar |
| Ama's Damage Indicator | ZeAmateis | damage_indicator-0.0.8.jar |
| Amidst for Forge | ZethRuss | amidst-forge-1.14.4-0.7.0.jar |
| Anvil Tweaks | tfarecnim | anviltweaks-1.4b.jar |
| AppleSkin | squeek502 | AppleSkin-mc1.14.4-forge-1.0.13.jar |
| Aquaculture 2 | Shadowclaimer | Aquaculture-1.14.4-2.0.7.jar |
| Armor Toughness Bar | tfarecnim | toughnessbar-4.1.jar |
| Atmospheric | paradiscal | atmospheric-1.14.4-1.1.2.jar |
| AttributeFix | DarkhaxDev | AttributeFix-1.14.4-3.0.3.jar |
| AutoRegLib | Vazkii | AutoRegLib-1.4-35.jar |
| Bad Mobs | DarkhaxDev | BadMobs-1.14.4-3.0.1.jar |
| Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded | Kreezxil | bwncr-1.14.4-3.5.12.jar |
| Berry Good | minecraftabnormals | Berry-Good-1.14.4-v1.0.3.jar |
| Better Advancements | way2muchnoise | BetterAdvancements-1.14.4- |
| Better Animal Models | cybercat5555 | betteranimals-1.14.4-5.3.0.jar |
| Better Animals Plus | cybercat5555 | betteranimalsplus-1.14.4-8.2.1.jar |
| Better Beacon Placement | Serilum | betbeacpl_1.14-1.0.jar |
| Better Burning | DarkhaxDev | BetterBurning-1.14.4-1.0.1.jar |
| Better Conduit Placement | Serilum | betconduitpl_1.14-1.0.jar |
| Better Storage Too | TehStoneMan | BetterStorageToo-1.14.4- |
| Better Title Screen | Girafi | BetterTitleScreen-1.14.4-1.7.jar |
| Better Trident Return | ist_meow | bettertridentreturn-1.14.4-1.0.0.jar |
| Bigger Rabbit Hitboxes | Noobanidus | biggerrabbithitboxes-1.14.4- |
| Biomes O' Plenty | Forstride | BiomesOPlenty-1.14.4- |
| Block Drops (JEI Addon) | KidsDontPlay | blockdrops-1.14.4-1.0.2.jar |
| Blood Particles | ModdingLegacy | blood-particles-1.14.4-1.0.0.jar |
| Bookshelf | DarkhaxDev | Bookshelf-1.14.4-4.4.71.jar |
| Botany Pots | DarkhaxDev | BotanyPots-1.14.4-1.0.10.jar |
| Bountiful | ejektaflex | bountiful-3.0.0.jar |
| Brick Furnace | thecech12 | brickfurnace-1.2.1-1.14.4_1.15.X.jar |
| Builder's Basics | equinoxrex_ | buildbasics-1.1.0.jar |
| Caelus API | TheIllusiveC4 | caelus-FORGE-1.14.4- |
| Cake Chomps [FABRIC/FORGE] | TheIllusiveC4 | cakechomps-FORGE-1.14.4-2.0.jar |
| Canny Composter | Stormwind99 | cannycomposter-1.14.4-2.0.0.jar |
| Carry On | Tschipp | CarryOn MC1.14.4 v1.12.4.jar |
| Ceramic Bucket | thecech12 | ceramicbucket-1.1.2-1.14.4_1.15.X.jar |
| Ceramic Shears | thecech12 | ceramicshears-1.1.0-1.14.4.jar |
| Charm | svenhjol | Charm-1.14.4-1.5.3.jar |
| Chatter | Ax1eum | Chatter-1.14.4-1.2.0.jar |
| Cherished Worlds | TheIllusiveC4 | cherishedworlds-FORGE-1.14.4-2.0.jar |
| Citadel | alex1the1666 | citadel-1.0.4-1.14.4.jar |
| Clumps | Jaredlll08 | Clumps-4.0.1.jar |
| Colytra | TheIllusiveC4 | colytra-FORGE-1.14.4- |
| Combustive Fishing | TheIllusiveC4 | combustivefishing-1.14.4-2.0-beta4.jar |
| Comforts | TheIllusiveC4 | comforts-FORGE-1.14.4-2.0-beta6.jar |
| Compass Coords | InsaneGames_ | CompassCoords-1.0.0-mc1.14.4.jar |
| Controlling | Jaredlll08 | Controlling-5.0.6.jar |
| Corail Woodcutter | Corail_31 | corail_woodcutter-1.1.1-1.14.4.jar |
| Corpse | henkelmax | corpse-1.14.4-1.0.4.jar |
| Crafting Tweaks | BlayTheNinth | CraftingTweaks_1.14.4-10.2.1.jar |
| CraftingCraft | BlayTheNinth | CraftingCraft_1.14.4-7.1.7.jar |
| CraftTweaker | Jaredlll08 | CraftTweaker-1.14.4- |
| CreativeCore | CreativeMD | CreativeCore_v2.0.3_mc1.14.4.jar |
| Culinary Construct | TheIllusiveC4 | culinaryconstruct-FORGE-1.14.4-2.0-beta2.jar |
| Curio of Undying | TheIllusiveC4 | curioofundying-FORGE-1.14.4-2.0.1.jar |
| Curios API | TheIllusiveC4 | curios-FORGE-1.14.4- |
| Curious Elytra | TheIllusiveC4 | curiouselytra-FORGE-1.14.4-1.0.jar |
| Curious Shulker Boxes | TheIllusiveC4 | curiousshulkerboxes-FORGE-1.14.4- |
| Death Finder | Fuzs_ | DeathFinder-v1.2-1.14.4.jar |
| DeathQuotes / Death Quotes | lordcazsius | deathquotes-1.2-1.14.4.jar |
| Decorative Blocks | stohun | decorative_blocks_6b.jar |
| Decorative Blocks Compat | stohun | decorative_blocks_compat_1.jar |
| DRP - Global Data Pack | JTK222 | globaldatapack-1.14.4-1.1.jar |
| Dude! Where's my Horse? | Noobanidus | dwmh-1.14.4-3.1.1.jar |
| Dynamic Surroundings: Environs | OreCruncher | Environs-1.14.4- |
| Dynamic Surroundings: SoundControl | OreCruncher | SoundControl-1.14.4- |
| Easy Elytra Takeoff | Serilum | easyelytrato_1.14-1.2.jar |
| Effortless Building | Requioss | effortlessbuilding-1.14.4-2.18.jar |
| EmbellishCraft | Mapper | embellishcraft-1.14.4-1.5.0.jar |
| EmbellishCraft: Biomes O'Plenty Addon | Mapper | embellishcraft-bop-1.14.4-1.1.0.jar |
| Enemyz | owmii | Enemyz-1.14.4-0.3.1.jar |
| Engineer's Decor | wilechaote | engineersdecor-1.14.4-1.0.20-b2.jar |
| EnhancedVisuals | CreativeMD | EnhancedVisuals_v1.3.4_mc1.14.4.jar |
| Enigmatic Legacy | VictorShadow_ | EnigmaticLegacy-1.6.4.jar |
| Extended Caves | polyvalord | extcaves-1.5.jar |
| Extra Boats | Markus1002 | extraboats-1.2.6-1.14.4.jar |
| Eyes in the Darkness | gigaherz | EyesInTheDarkness-1.14.4-0.2.0.jar |
| Fairy Lights | pau101 | fairylights-2.1.15-1.14.4.jar |
| Falling Tree | RakSrinaNa | FallingTree-1.14.4-2.0.3+21.jar |
| Farming for Blockheads | BlayTheNinth | FarmingForBlockheads_1.14.4-5.3.2.jar |
| FindMe | Buuz135 | findme-1.14.4- |
| First Aid | ichttt | firstaid-1.7.11.jar |
| Fishing Real | PricelessKoala | fishingreal-1.1.jar |
| Florist | bageldotjpg | FloristV1.1.4.jar |
| Flourishing Foliage | Stormwind99 | flourishingfoliage-1.14.4-2.0.0.jar |
| FTB Backups | LatvianModder | FTBUtilitiesBackups- |
| Geolosys | oitsjustjose | Geolosys-1.14.4-4.0.13.jar |
| Give Mod | MentaikoMod | give-1.14.4-1.0.2.jar |
| Global GameRules | GoryMoon | GlobalGameRules-1.14.4- |
| Good Skeletons Don't Strafe | Fuzs_ | GoodSkeletonsDontStrafe-v1.1.2-1.14.4.jar |
| GoProne | Alpvax | goprone-1.14.x-1.1.0.jar |
| Guard Illagers | Farcr | guardillagers-1.14.4-1.0.1.jar |
| Guidebook | gigaherz | Guidebook-1.14.4-3.0.5.jar |
| Immersive Engineering | BluSunrize | ImmersiveEngineering-0.14-93.jar |
| Incubation | Markus1002 | incubation-1.0.1-1.14.4.jar |
| Inventory HUD+ (Forge) | dmitrylovin | InventoryHud_1.14.4.forge.2.2.jar |
| It's the little things | Zlepper | itlt-1.14.4-1.0.2.jar |
| Just Enough Items (JEI) | mezz | jei-1.14.4- |
| Just Enough Resources (JER) | way2muchnoise | JustEnoughResources-1.14.4- |
| KleeSlabs | BlayTheNinth | KleeSlabs_1.14.4-7.4.8.jar |
| Kottle | Alex_wells | Kottle-1.4.0.jar |
| Macaw's Bridges | sketch_macaw | mcw-bridges-1.0.4-mc1.14.4.jar |
| Macaw's Furniture | sketch_macaw | mcw-furniture-1.0.1-mc1.14.4.jar |
| Macaw's Roofs | sketch_macaw | mcw-roofs-1.0.2-mc1.14.4.jar |
| Macaw's Windows | sketch_macaw | mcw-windows-1.0.0-mc1.14.4.jar |
| mGui | mickelus | mgui-1.14.4-1.2.0.jar |
| MiniCoal | KiwiFails | MiniCoal2-1.14.4-0.0.1-universal.jar |
| MiningTweaks | lordcazsius | miningtweaks-1.0-1.15.1.jar |
| More Zombie Villagers | Serilum | mzombv_1.14-1.0.jar |
| MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod | MrCrayfish | furniture-7.0.0-pre15-1.14.4.jar |
| MysticalLib | EpicSquid319 | mysticallib-1.14.4-1.14.0.jar |
| Nametags Without Anvils | tfarecnim | nametagswithoutanvil-1.1.jar |
| Natural Progression | oitsjustjose | NaturalProgression-1.14.4-1.2.2.jar |
| Nature's Compass | Chaosyr | NaturesCompass-1.14.4-1.8.5.jar |
| Neat | Vazkii | Neat 1.5-19.jar |
| NetherPortalFix | BlayTheNinth | NetherPortalFix_1.14.4-7.0.0.jar |
| No LAN Cheating | bl4ckscor3 | nolancheating-1.14.4-v1.0.jar |
| No Recipe Book | Seneschal_Luwin | noRecipeBook_v1.4.1formc1.14.4.jar |
| Notes | Chaosyr | Notes-1.14.4-1.2.0.jar |
| Obfuscate | MrCrayfish | obfuscate-0.4.1-1.14.4.jar |
| Overloaded Armor Bar | tfarecnim | overloadedarmorbar-3.0.0b.jar |
| Packing Tape | gigaherz | PackingTape-1.14.4-0.9.2.jar |
| Patchouli | Vazkii | Patchouli-1.14.4-1.1-26.jar |
| PeacefulSurface | LainMI | PeacefulSurface-1.14.4-v2a.jar |
| Performant | someaddon | performant-1.14.4-1.5.jar |
| Permasomnia | Seneschal_Luwin | permasomnia_v1.0.0_formc1.14.4.jar |
| Pet Your Wolf | MrCrayfish | petyourwolf-1.2.1-1.14.4.jar |
| Progressive Bosses | InsaneGames_ | ProgressiveBosses-2.1.4.jar |
| Quark | Vazkii | Quark-r2.0-212.jar |
| Random Bone Meal Flowers | Serilum | rndbmflowers_1.14-1.1.jar |
| Rats | alex1the1666 | rats-4.0.2-1.14.4.jar |
| Ready Your Shovels | axoladdy | rys-0.1.18.jar |
| Realistic Torches | Chaosyr | RealisticTorches-1.14.4-3.0.0.jar |
| ReAuth | TechnicianLP | ReAuth-1.14-3.8.0.jar |
| Save My Stronghold! | YUNGNICKYOUNG | SaveMyStronghold-1.14.4-1.0.0.jar |
| Scaling Health | SilentChaos512 | ScalingHealth-1.14.4-2.4.2+46.jar |
| Serene Seasons | TheAdubbz | SereneSeasons-1.14.4- |
| Silent Lib | SilentChaos512 | SilentLib-1.14.4-4.4.0+44.jar |
| Simple Farming | enemeez1 | simplefarming-1.14.4-1.2.8.jar |
| Simply Tea! | EpicSquid319 | simplytea-2.0.4.jar |
| Snow Under Trees | bl4ckscor3 | snowundertrees-1.14.4-v1.0.jar |
| Soft Snow Landing | EndlesNights | softsnowfallmod-mc1.14.4-v1.0.jar |
| Softer Hay Bales | Serilum | shb_1.14-1.0.jar |
| Spiders Produce Webs | Serilum | spw_1.14-1.0.jar |
| Splashy | DarkhaxDev | Splashy-1.14.4-1.0.2.jar |
| Sticky Hands | gigaherz | StickyHands-1.14.4-1.0.1.jar |
| Storage Drawers | Texelsaur | StorageDrawers-1.14.4-6.0.6.jar |
| Storage Drawers Unlimited | raptor4694 | StorageDrawersUnlimited-1.14.4-1.3.4.jar |
| SwingThroughGrass | exidex | swingthroughgrass-1.14.4-1.3.2.jar |
| Taffy - Date and Forecast (TaffyDAF) | Gerflargle | taffydaf-1.14.4-0.3.jar |
| Tetra | mickelus | tetra-1.14.4-1.26.0.jar |
| The Mighty Architect | simibubi | mightyarchitect-mc1.14.4_v0.5.jar |
| The One Probe | McJty | theoneprobe-1.14-1.4.37.jar |
| Thicker Snow on Grass | tfarecnim | thickersnowongrass-1.0.jar |
| Trample Stopper | UnRealDinnerbone | tramplestopper-1.14.4- |
| Traveller's Boots | DenisMasterHerobrine | travellersboots-1.14.4-1.2.2.jar |
| Tropics | bageldotjpg | TropicalV1.0.0.jar |
| Tumbleweed | konwboj | tumbleweed-1.14-0.4.7.jar |
| Turtle Tweaks | enemeez1 | turtletweaks-1.14.4-1.0.2.jar |
| U Team Core | HyCraftHD | u_team_core-1.14.4- |
| Upgrade Aquatic | minecraftabnormals | Upgrade-Aquatic-1.14.4-v1.4.10.jar |
| Uppers | vadis365 | Uppers-0.1.11.jar |
| Useful Backpacks | HyCraftHD | useful_backpacks-1.14.4- |
| Villager Hats (Forge) | Lemonszz | villagerhats-1.14.4-1.1.1.jar |
| Villager Names | Serilum | vilnames_1.14-2.0.jar |
| Waddles | Girafi | Waddles-1.14.4-0.8.3.jar |
| Wall-Jump! [FORGE] | genandnic | walljump-1.14.4-1.3.1.jar |
| Waystones | BlayTheNinth | Waystones_1.14.4-5.1.1.jar |
| Weaker Spiderwebs | Serilum | weakerspwbs_1.14-1.3.jar |
| Well Fed | br4nder5 | branders-wellfedmod-1.14.4-1.2.0.jar |
| Whisperwoods | ist_meow | whisperwoods-1.14.4-1.0.1.jar |
| Wool Buttons | bl4ckscor3 | woolbuttons-1.14.4-v1.1.jar |
| Wool Pressure Plates | bl4ckscor3 | woolplates-1.14.4-v1.2.1.jar |
| World Handler - Command GUI | Exopandora | WorldHandler-1.14.4-2.7.2.jar |
| Wumple Util Library | Stormwind99 | wumpleutil-1.14.4-3.2.0.jar |
| YUNG's Better Caves | YUNGNICKYOUNG | BetterCaves-1.14.4-1.1.1.jar |
| Zombie Villagers From Spawner | Serilum | zvfs_1.14-1.0.jar |