First-person Model (Forge/Fabric)

First-person Model (Forge/Fabric)


Carrier Mod Slight Incompatibility

NotOfficeChair opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Issue: Carrier mod causes slight rendering issues on the second skin layer when used with first person model.

The second skin layer will appear to use a different animation to the base layer

Screenshot of issue:
2021-10-15_17 59 49


Wait this is with the vanilla skin layers, not 3d skin layers?


Yes, with the vanilla skin layers


Then this should happen in f5 too and be unrelated to this mod? If it doesn't happen in f5 this more likely sounds like an oversight in the Carrier mod?
To explain it in short: this mod doesn't touch the skin layers at all (other than disabling the head one so you don't get hair etc in front of the camera), so skin layers not being in sync with the body sounds more like a bug of that mod?


huh.. you're right it appears in third person


I have a bug report open at my mod that replaces the skin layers with 3d skin layers, where the exact same issue happens. I don't know HOW the mod moves the arms, but it looks like it does it in a wrong/odd way? Open an issue there so the dev can look into it :).