Minecraft loading screen fades in and out repeatedly
nNoav opened this issue · 5 comments
Sorry, here’s my log.
Ah, I’ve given you the wrong one, terribly sorry. Here’s the lastest for real this time.
@reDIrect conflict. Skipping firstperson.mixins.json:PlayerRenderMixin from mod firstperson->@reDIrect::setModelPoseRedirect(Lnet/minecraft/class_1007;Lnet/minecraft/class_742;Lnet/minecraft/class_742;FFLnet/minecraft/class_4587;Lnet/minecraft/class_4597;I)V with priority 1000, already redirected by skinswapper.mixins.json:preview.PlayerEntityRendererMixin from mod skinswapper->@reDIrect::setModelPoseRedirect(Lnet/minecraft/class_1007;Lnet/minecraft/class_742;)V with priority 1100
Skinswapper is incompatible, because they redirect the same method this mod needs to redirect(and their mod technically doesn't). Remove Skinswapper and it will work.